If there is a way of letting the swf file starting and stopping the capturing by using fscommand events

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If there is a way of letting the swf file starting and stopping the capturing by using fscommand events



Question: Please let me know if there is a way of letting the swf file starting and stopping the capturing by using some events. Your help would be greatly appreciated.


Looking forward to your reply.



Claudiu Neaga

Development and Support


Answer:  Check the option "Control the conversion by receiving Flash FSCommand" will control the conversion's "Start", "Stop", "Pause", "Resume" by receiving Flash FSCommand. These FSCommand events are generated when a "GetURL" action is performed in the movie with a string and the string starts with "FSCommand:". The indicated file is the fish.swf (original file is fish.fla) which is in the "\flash" folder in installation folder.
