Questions about running f2vcmdln.exe on a windows server 2000/2003/2008

• | Question1: I just have a question regarding running f2vcmdln.exe on a windows 2003 server box. The demo bird .bat files work fine on Windows XP, but they seem to fail on windows 2003 which will be our final production environment. The console windows just exits without an error, but the file (eg such as the animated gif) is not created. I imagine it could be some kind of security setting - I was just wondering if you had any idea what i could look at to troubleshoot the problem. |
• | Answer1: On a Windows 2003, you maybe add the f2vcmdln.exe into "Data Execute Protection". Control Pannel->System->Advanced->Performance Settings->Data Execute Protection->Add... |

• | Question2: One problem we have is, the software won't run on Windows server 2008. It runs, and seems to start the process but never goes further from frame 1. |
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• | Answer2: Please make sure at least one SoundCard have installed on your computer, and "Windows Audio" service must be enabled. |
• | Response of answer2: I found the error. Our server did'nt have a audio card, and after we installed a USB audio card everything worked just fine. |
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